This Friday, July 28th, The Ant Bully will open in theaters all across america! Make plans and get to the theaters and check it out. I hope you all enjoy it! :)
So are you trying to break into the industry? Are you looking for your first job? At CgTalk there is a great read, written by a senior character TD at Sony Imageworks. All kind of good FAQ and TIPS for everyone looking for that first gig! Check it out..
This past Saturday was the first crew premiere of The Ant Bully in Dallas. It was great to go back and see all my old friends from DNA and finally see the movie. The movie turned out really nice I think everybody was pretty impressed with the final product. The overall pacing of the film was great, and the lighting and the renders were beautiful to look at. I think this film turned out better than most people expected, so lets hope it does well in the theaters! The Ant Bully hits theaters and IMAX on July 28th. Make sure to go check it out! As for me, I have been enjoying a LOOONNNGGG summer vacation and am still unsure of what will be happening next. I should know within the next month, and i'll be sure to post about it! Until then, happy animating!